Jolly sayings

1. "Laughter is an instant vacation."

2. "A day without laughter is a day wasted."

3. "Keep calm and stay jolly."

4. "Happiness is contagious, spread it around."

5. "Smile, it's the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart."

6. "Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live."

7. "Life is better when you're laughing."

8. "Don't worry, be jolly."

9. "A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear."

10. "Find joy in the little things."

Above is Jolly sayings.

Sayings about dice

1. Roll the dice and see where they fall.2. Life is like a roll of the dice, you never know what you're going to get.3. Sometimes you have to take a chance and let the dice decide.4. The dice are fickle, but luck favors the bold.5. In the game of life, sometimes you have to roll with the pu

Popular sayings using hot

1. Strike while the iron is hot.2. Too hot to handle.3. In the hot seat.4. Hot under the collar.5. Hot off the press.6. Hot and bothered.7. Hot on the trail.8. Hot potato.9. Hot as Hades.10. Hot as a pistol.

Expression or sayings with tribe in the title

1. Tribe Mentality2. Tribe Vibes3. Tribe Unity4. Tribe Connection5. Tribe Loyalty6. Tribe Strength7. Tribe Spirit8. Tribe Culture9. Tribe Pride10. Tribe Wisdom

Sayings about two faced

1. A two-faced person is like a two-headed snake, deceitful and dangerous.2. Beware of those who smile to your face but stab you in the back.3. Two-faced people are like chameleons, changing colors to blend in but never showing their true selves.4. Trust is like a mirror, once broken it can n

Paddington sayings

1. Please look after this bear.2. Marmalade sandwiches are my favorite.3. A wise bear always keeps a marmalade sandwich in his hat in case of emergency.4. It's nice having a bear about the house.5. Hard stares are very effective.6. I'm a bear of very little brain.7. I do hope I haven't

Old autograph sayings

1. Best wishes and happy memories.2. Always follow your dreams.3. May your journey be filled with success and joy.4. Remember to stay true to yourself.5. Wishing you all the best in your endeavors.6. Keep shining bright like a star.7. Believe in yourself and anything is possible.8. Ch

Thoughts sayings

Your thoughts create your reality. Change your thoughts and you change your world.Positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes.Your mind is a powerful tool, use it wisely.Thoughts become things, choose the good ones.Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny.Train your mind to see

3 word sayings with to

1. To the moon2. To infinity3. To the stars

Funny sayings about crows

1. Crows are like the original goth kids of the bird world - always dressed in black and causing a ruckus.2. If crows had a motto, it would be 'Caw before you crow.'3. Crows are the ultimate scavengers - they'll steal your lunch and your heart.4. Crows are like the original paparazzi of the b

Sayings about flipping opinions

1. Opinions are like a coin, they can easily flip.2. A change of perspective can flip opinions upside down.3. Just as a pancake flips in the pan, opinions can also be turned around.4. Don't be surprised if opinions flip like a switch.5. Opinions are like a seesaw, they can quickly flip from