Just because card sayings

1. "Just because... you're amazing in every way."

2. "Just because... you deserve to be celebrated."

3. "Just because... you make the world a better place."

4. "Just because... you are loved more than you know."

5. "Just because... you are a shining light in my life."

6. "Just because... you are worth every moment of happiness."

7. "Just because... you are a true blessing."

8. "Just because... you are one of a kind."

9. "Just because... you bring joy wherever you go."

10. "Just because... you are simply wonderful."

Above is Just because card sayings.

10-4 good buddy sayings

1. Keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down.2. 10-4, good buddy, catch you on the flip-flop.3. Breaker, breaker, what's your 20?4. Keep the hammer down and the bears off your tail.5. That's a big 10-4, good buddy.6. Keep it between the ditches.7. Keep the bugs off your glass and

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Sayings with the number 12

1. The 12th hour is the time for rest and reflection.2. A dozen roses can convey a message of love and appreciation.3. The 12th month brings the joy of the holiday season.4. Twelve disciples followed Jesus on his journey.5. A dozen eggs symbolize abundance and fertility.6. The 12 signs of

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1. I'm solar-powered and in need of a recharge!2. Sunshine is my favorite accessory.3. Sunny side up, please!4. I'm just here for the Vitamin D and good vibes.5. Sunshine on my mind, coffee in my hand.6. Rays of sunshine and a cup of joe, the perfect combo.7. Sunshine and caffeine, the

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1. الصمت حكمة، والحلم دواء، والصبر نصر.2. العقل زينة، والجهل عار.3. لا تكن كالذين يحملون الجمر في جيوبهم ليحرقوا به الناس، بينما هم أنفسهم براك.4. العقل غنى، والجهل فقر.5. من تكلم كثيراً أخطأ كثيراً.6. الصبر مفتاح الفرج، والكرم مفتاح العطاء.7. العلم يحميك، والجهل يهلكك.8. إذا كنت ذكيا

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1. May your Christmas be as lit as your tree lights, and may your presents be as plentiful as the rolls of toilet paper in 2020!2. Wishing you a Christmas filled with joy, laughter, and enough hand sanitizer to last you through the new year!3. Here's to a Christmas that's merry and bright, just

Rip homie sayings

1. Rest in peace, homie. You'll always be remembered.2. Gone but never forgotten, homie.3. You may be gone, but your spirit lives on, homie.4. In loving memory of a true homie.5. Forever in our hearts, homie.6. You'll be dearly missed, homie.7. May you find peace in the afterlife, homie