Karma pics and sayings

1. "Your karma is a reflection of your actions."

2. "What goes around, comes around."

3. "Do good and good will come to you."

4. "Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve."

5. "The universe has a way of balancing things out through karma."

6. "Your actions create your karma, choose wisely."

7. "Karma is like a boomerang, it always comes back to you."

8. "The energy you put out into the world will come back to you."

9. "Karma is the universal law of cause and effect."

10. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. Your kindness will come back to you in unexpected ways."

Above is Karma pics and sayings.

Little girl quotes sayings

1. Though she be but little, she is fierce. - William Shakespeare2. Little girls with dreams become women with vision.3. A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give. - Laurel Atherton4. She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes.5. Little girls are just angels wh

Slytherin sayings

1. Ambition is the path to success.2. Cunning and resourcefulness will always prevail.3. In Slytherin, we embrace our inner power.4. Only the strong survive in the snake pit.5. Slytherins always have a plan.6. Success is the sweetest revenge.7. We are the architects of our own destiny.

Meme sayings snowflake

Snowflakes are like people, each one is unique and beautiful, but they all melt under pressure.

2007 popular sayings

1. Keep calm and carry on.2. YOLO - You only live once.3. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.4. Work hard, play hard.5. It is what it is.6. Live, laugh, love.7. Go big or go home.8. Haters gonna hate.9. Just do it.10. Stay woke.

30th birthday card sayings

1. Cheers to 30 years of laughter, love, and unforgettable memories! Happy Birthday!2. 30 looks good on you! Wishing you a fabulous birthday filled with joy and happiness.3. Welcome to the fabulous 30s club! May this year be your best one yet.4. 30 and thriving! Here's to a decade of success,

Cute tea towel sayings

1. Life is brew-tiful.2. Sip happens.3. You're my cup of tea.4. Steeped in love.5. Hot-tea in the kitchen.6. Keep calm and steep on.7. Tea-riffic times ahead.8. You're my cup of sunshine.9. Everything stops for tea.10. Squeeze the day (lemon tea towel).

Funny t shirts with sayings

1. I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode.2. I speak fluent sarcasm.3. I run on coffee and sarcasm.4. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.5. I'm not a morning person. I'm not an afternoon person. I'm not an evening person. I'm a night person.6. I'm not short, I'm fun-

Funny license plate sayings


All guys are the same sayings

Here are some common sayings that suggest that all guys are the same:1. Boys will be boys.2. Men are all the same.3. You've met one man, you've met them all.4. All guys are pigs.5. Men only have one thing on their minds.6. Men are all players.7. You can't trust any man.8. Men are all

Sad love quotes and sayings pictures

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling sad. Here are some sad love quotes and sayings that you may find relatable:1. The saddest thing about love is that not only that it cannot last forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten. - William Faulkner2. Sometimes the person you fall for isn't ready