Kayaking quotes and sayings funny

1. "I kayak because punching people is frowned upon."

2. "I don't always kayak, but when I do, I make sure to flip over at least once."

3. "Kayaking: the art of getting wet and pretending to enjoy it."

4. "I'm not clumsy, I'm just practicing my kayak roll."

5. "Life is better when you're paddling."

6. "Kayaking: where the only thing that's predictable is the unpredictability."

7. "I kayak because therapy is expensive."

8. "Paddle now, adult later."

9. "Kayaking: the only sport where you can get a workout and a sunburn at the same time."

10. "I'd rather be kayaking."

Above is Kayaking quotes and sayings funny.

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