Kittitian sayings and phrases

1. "De higher de monkey climb, de more he show he tail." - This saying means that the more someone tries to show off or act superior, the more their flaws or shortcomings become apparent.

2. "When yuh neighbor house on fire, wet yuh own." - This phrase emphasizes the importance of helping others in times of need, as you never know when you may need help yourself.

3. "Don't count yuh chickens before dey hatch." - This saying advises against being overly confident or making assumptions about the future before things have actually happened.

4. "De pot calling de kettle black." - This phrase is used to point out hypocrisy, when someone criticizes another person for a fault that they themselves also possess.

5. "One hand can't clap." - This saying highlights the importance of cooperation and working together to achieve a common goal.

6. "Every hoe have dem stick a bush." - This saying means that everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

7. "Monkey know which tree to climb." - This phrase emphasizes the importance of being resourceful and knowing how to navigate different situations effectively.

8. "Yuh can't make fish soup without fish." - This saying emphasizes the importance of having the necessary resources or ingredients to achieve a desired outcome.

9. "What sweet nanny goat ago run him belly." - This saying warns against indulging in things that may seem enjoyable in the short term but could have negative consequences in the long run.

10. "De longest rope have an end." - This saying reminds us that all things, good or bad, eventually come to an end.

Above is Kittitian sayings and phrases.

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