Knight in shining armor sayings

1. "I will always protect and defend you, my lady."

2. "I will fight for your honor and stand by your side."

3. "I will be your strength and your shield, my love."

4. "I will be your knight in shining armor, ready to rescue you from any danger."

5. "I will be your protector, your champion, and your loyal companion."

6. "I will ride into battle for you, my fair maiden."

7. "I will be your gallant knight, ready to face any challenge for you."

8. "I will be your sword and your shield, always ready to defend you."

9. "I will be your hero, your defender, and your unwavering support."

10. "I will be your knight in shining armor, ready to face any foe to keep you safe."

Above is Knight in shining armor sayings.

Funny balllet sayings

1. I don't always dance ballet, but when I do, I plié like a boss.2. Life is better in pointe shoes.3. Tutu cute to handle.4. Keep calm and dance on pointe.5. Dance first, think later.6. Ballet: where every move is a grand jeté of faith.7. I speak fluent ballet.8. Don't just plié, sla

Ent war sayings

1. War does not determine who is right - only who is left. - Bertrand Russell2. In war, truth is the first casualty. - Aeschylus3. War is hell. - William Tecumseh Sherman4. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. - Sun Tzu5. War is what happens when language fails.

Funny medical quotes and sayings

1. The best doctor gives the least medicines. - Benjamin Franklin2. I told my doctor I broke my arm in two places. He told me to stop going to those places. - Henny Youngman3. The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease. - Voltaire4. You know you're a nu

Common american sayings proverbs

1. A penny saved is a penny earned.2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.3. Actions speak louder than words.4. The early bird catches the worm.5. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.6. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.7. A stitch in time saves nine.8. Don't cry ove

New year sayings for best friends

1. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. - Oprah Winfrey2. May the new year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall! - Aleister Crowley3. A new year is like a blank book, an

Respiratory therapist quotes sayings

1. Breathing is the essence of life. As respiratory therapists, we help people breathe easier and live better.2. Every breath is a gift. Let's help our patients make the most of each one.3. Inhale courage, exhale fear. Respiratory therapists are here to support you every step of the way.4. Br

All of kim taehyung sayings

Kim Taehyung, also known as V from the popular K-pop group BTS, has many memorable sayings. Here are a few of them:1. I'm a good boy with bad habits.2. I'm always thankful for everything.3. Live life with no worries.4. I'm a good boy, but I can be bad too.5. I want to be a singer who can to

Blackboard sayings for gift certificates

1. The gift of choice is always in style.2. Give the gift of endless possibilities.3. Treat yourself to something special.4. For a little something extra.5. Because you deserve it.6. A little token of appreciation.7. The perfect present for any occasion.8. Unlock the joy of shopping.

Crib sheets with sayings

Here are some ideas for crib sheets with sayings:1. Dream big, little one2. You are so loved3. Twinkle, twinkle little star4. Sweet dreams, baby5. I love you to the moon and back6. Hello world, here I am7. You are my sunshine8. Snuggle up, little one9. Let the adventure begin10. S

Coffee coffee cup sayings cup designs

Here are some coffee cup sayings and designs you might like:1. But first, coffee2. Coffee is my love language3. Life begins after coffee4. Rise and grind5. Coffee and friends make the perfect blend6. Espresso yourself7. Sip happens8. Coffee is a hug in a mug9. Powered by caffeine10