Krishna sayings on karma

1. "The soul is never born nor does it ever die; nor having once existed, does it ever cease to be. The soul is without birth, eternal, immortal, and ageless. It is not destroyed when the body is destroyed."

2. "Perform your obligatory duties, because action is indeed better than inaction. Even the maintenance of the body would not be possible for you by inaction."

3. "One who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is intelligent among men, and he is in the transcendental position, although engaged in all sorts of activities."

4. "The wise man lets go of all results, whether good or bad, and is focused on the action alone. He is content with what comes to him, and remains unaffected by success or failure."

5. "The fruits of one's actions are inevitable, but one should not be attached to the results. Perform your duties with dedication and without selfish desires, and you will attain liberation."

6. "The self-controlled soul, who moves amongst sense objects, free from attachment and aversion, attains tranquility. In that state, one can attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death."

7. "As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones."

8. "The ignorant work for their own profit, the wise work for the welfare of the world, without thought for themselves. By selfless action, they attain the supreme goal of life."

9. "Whatever happened, happened for the good; whatever is happening, is happening for the good; whatever will happen, will also happen for the good. Do not worry about the past or the future, just focus on the present and do your duty."

10. "The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice. One should perform their duties with a calm mind, without attachment, and surrender the results to the divine."

Above is Krishna sayings on karma.

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