Latin sayings about death and life

1. "Memento mori" - Remember that you will die.

2. "Ars longa, vita brevis" - Art is long, life is short.

3. "Vivere est militare" - To live is to fight.

4. "Carpe diem" - Seize the day.

5. "Tempus fugit" - Time flies.

6. "In omnia paratus" - Prepared for all things.

7. "Vita mutatur, non tollitur" - Life is changed, not taken away.

8. "Dum spiro spero" - While I breathe, I hope.

9. "Mors certa, hora incerta" - Death is certain, its hour is uncertain.

10. "Omnia mors aequat" - Death makes all equal.

Above is Latin sayings about death and life.

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