Les patterson sayings

1. "I'm as fit as a fiddle and ready for action!"

2. "I've got more charm than a snake in a basket."

3. "I'm like a fine wine, I only get better with age."

4. "I'm a man of many talents, all of them impressive."

5. "I'm a legend in my own lunchtime."

6. "I'm a smooth operator, always one step ahead."

7. "I'm like a fine-tuned machine, ready to take on the world."

8. "I'm the life of the party, always the center of attention."

9. "I'm a force to be reckoned with, a true powerhouse."

10. "I'm like a phoenix rising from the ashes, stronger than ever."

Above is Les patterson sayings.

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Christmas potholder sayings

1. Season's Eatings!2. Baking spirits bright.3. Holly jolly baking!4. Merry kitchen, happy heart.5. Santa's little helper.6. Bake the season bright.7. Warm wishes from the kitchen.8. Baking up some holiday cheer.9. Cookies and cheer, all year.10. May your oven be merry and bright.