Libra sayings funny

1. "I'm not indecisive, I'm just weighing all my options... for the hundredth time."

2. "I may be a Libra, but I can't balance my checkbook to save my life."

3. "I'm like a Libra scale, constantly trying to find the perfect balance between Netflix and responsibilities."

4. "My love life is like a seesaw, one minute it's up, the next it's down... typical Libra."

5. "I'm a Libra, so I can't help but see both sides of the argument... even when I don't want to."

6. "Being a Libra means constantly trying to find harmony in a world full of chaos... and failing miserably."

7. "I'm a Libra, so my mood swings are just me trying to find the perfect emotional equilibrium."

8. "I'm a Libra, so I'm always trying to find the perfect balance between being social and needing alone time... usually ending up with too much of one and not enough of the other."

9. "I'm a Libra, so I'm always striving for fairness... unless it's a competition, then all bets are off."

10. "I'm a Libra, so my idea of a balanced diet is a cookie in each hand."

Above is Libra sayings funny.

Psychic quotes and sayings

1. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt2. Intuition is seeing with the soul. - Dean Koontz3. Trust the vibes you get, energy doesn't lie. - Unknown4. The mind is everything. What you think you become. - Buddha5. The only real valuable th

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1. Fear is only as deep as the mind allows. - Japanese Proverb2. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. - Nelson Mandela3. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. - Yoda, Star Wars4. Fear makes the wolf bigger

Chinese sayings animals

1. 虎头蛇尾 (hǔ tóu shé wěi) - Tiger's head, snake's tail - Used to describe something that starts off strong but ends weak.2. 狐假虎威 (hú jiǎ hǔ wēi) - A fox borrowing the tiger's fierceness - Refers to someone who relies on the power or influence of others to intimidate or bully.3. 狗急跳墙 (gǒu jí tiào

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Adult swim sayings

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Common sayings about sight

1. Seeing is believing.2. The eyes are the window to the soul.3. Out of sight, out of mind.4. Seeing eye to eye.5. A sight for sore eyes.6. Seeing the bigger picture.7. Seeing things through rose-colored glasses.8. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.9. Seeing the world throug