Look who's forty sayings

1. "Life begins at forty."

2. "Forty is the new thirty."

3. "Forty and fabulous."

4. "Forty and thriving."

5. "Forty and fabulous, just like wine."

6. "Forty is the age of wisdom."

7. "Forty and fierce."

8. "Forty and fantastic."

9. "Forty and fearless."

10. "Forty and fabulous, just getting started."

11. "Forty and fabulous, like fine wine."

12. "Forty and fabulous, aging like a fine wine."

13. "Forty and fabulous, just hitting my stride."

14. "Forty and fabulous, embracing every moment."

15. "Forty and fabulous, living my best life."

16. "Forty and fabulous, loving every minute."

17. "Forty and fabulous, feeling more alive than ever."

18. "Forty and fabulous, embracing the journey."

19. "Forty and fabulous, grateful for every year."

20. "Forty and fabulous, ready for whatever comes next."

Above is Look who's forty sayings.

Funny olympic sayings

1. I run like the winded.2. I'm so good at the high jump, I can clear a puddle.3. I'm not a sprinter, I'm a snack enthusiast.4. I'm not a swimmer, I'm a professional lifeguard dodger.5. I'm not a gymnast, I just have a lot of balance issues.6. I'm not a diver, I just have a fear of dry la

Cannon sayings

1. Aim high, shoot straight.2. Fire away and let the chips fall where they may.3. Loaded for bear.4. Shoot first, ask questions later.5. Blast from the past.6. Locked and loaded.7. Shoot for the moon.8. Fire in the hole!9. Shoot from the hip.10. Don't bring a knife to a gunfight.

Common puritan sayings

1. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.2. Cleanliness is next to godliness.3. Pride goes before a fall.4. God helps those who help themselves.5. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.6. Spare the rod, spoil the child.7. The devil finds work for idle hands to do.8. A stitch in

Sayings about the pandemic

1. In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity. - Sun Tzu2. Tough times never last, but tough people do. - Robert H. Schuller3. This too shall pass. - Persian adage4. When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. - Hen

Arabic sayings about doing onto others

1. من أحسن إليك فاحسن إليه، ومن أساء إليك فاعف عنه. Translation: Treat others as they treat you, and forgive those who wrong you.2. لا تفعل بالناس ما لا تحب أن يفعلوا بك. Translation: Do not do to others what you would not want done to you.3. العطاء يعود على الإنسان بالمثل. Translation: G

American sayings that don t make sense

1. I'm as happy as a clam. (Clams don't exhibit emotions, so this saying doesn't make sense.)2. It's raining cats and dogs. (This saying doesn't make sense as cats and dogs don't fall from the sky during rain.)3. You can't have your cake and eat it too. (The purpose of having cake is usually t

Quotes and sayings aboutbullying

1. Bullying is a cowardly act. It's about tearing someone down instead of building them up. - Unknown2. No one has ever made themselves great by showing how small someone else is. - Irvin Himmel3. Bullying builds character like nuclear waste creates superheroes. It's a rare occurrence and often

Geometrization of gravity sayings

1. In the geometrization of gravity, spacetime itself becomes the stage on which the cosmic drama of the universe unfolds. 2. Einstein's theory of general relativity revolutionized our understanding of gravity by showing how it can be described as the curvature of spacetime.3. The geometrizatio

Sayings with rainbow in them

1. After the storm, comes the rainbow.2. Follow the rainbow, not the storm.3. Life is like a rainbow, you need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear.4. Don't wait for the storm to pass, dance in the rain and look for the rainbow.5. In a world full of gray clouds, be someone's

Spanish sayings about best friends

1. En la prosperidad, nuestros amigos nos conocen; en la adversidad, nosotros conocemos a nuestros amigos.2. Un amigo es un tesoro.3. Quien tiene un amigo, tiene un tesoro.4. Amigos como tú, valen oro.5. La amistad duplica las alegrías y divide las angustias por la mitad.6. Los amigos son