Louis van gaal dutch sayings

Louis van Gaal, the former Dutch football manager and player, is known for his unique and sometimes humorous sayings. Here are a few of his famous Dutch sayings:

1. "Is de bal rond of is de bal rond?" (Is the ball round or is the ball round?) - Van Gaal used this phrase to emphasize the importance of focusing on the basics of the game.

2. "Every advantage has its disadvantage." - This saying reflects Van Gaal's belief that every situation, no matter how positive, also has its drawbacks.

3. "We are playing in a system that I don't like." - Van Gaal is known for his strong opinions on tactics and systems in football.

4. "It's not easy to predict, especially the future." - Van Gaal's witty take on the unpredictability of football matches.

5. "I'm not the kind of coach who puts a hand on a player's shoulder and says: 'It's okay, you'll get the next one.' No, I'm the kind of coach who says: 'You should have scored!'" - Van Gaal's tough love approach to coaching.

These sayings showcase Van Gaal's unique personality and coaching style, making him a memorable figure in the world of football.

Above is Louis van gaal dutch sayings.

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