Love expectations quotes sayings

1. "Expectations are premeditated resentments." - Anonymous

2. "Love without expectations is the purest form of love." - Unknown

3. "Don't let your expectations overshadow your appreciation for the love you receive." - Unknown

4. "Love is not about expecting, it's about giving without expecting anything in return." - Unknown

5. "Love thrives in the absence of expectations." - Unknown

6. "When you love without expectations, you will never be disappointed." - Unknown

7. "Expectations can ruin relationships, but love can mend them." - Unknown

8. "Love is not about meeting expectations, it's about surpassing them." - Unknown

9. "Let go of expectations and let love flow freely." - Unknown

10. "Love is not about what you expect to receive, but what you are willing to give." - Unknown

Above is Love expectations quotes sayings.

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