Love island sayings and meanings

1. "I've got a text!" - This phrase is used when the islanders receive a message on their phones, usually from the show's host or producers, informing them of a new challenge, twist, or event.

2. "Mugged off" - This term is used to describe when someone has been deceived, tricked, or disrespected by another islander.

3. "My type on paper" - This phrase is used to describe someone who fits the individual's ideal preferences or criteria for a romantic partner.

4. "Cracking on" - This term is used to describe when someone is making a romantic or flirtatious effort towards another islander.

5. "Putting all your eggs in one basket" - This saying is used to caution against investing all of one's emotions or efforts into a single person or relationship, as it may lead to disappointment.

6. "Pie-ing off" - This term is used to describe when someone rejects or ignores another islander's romantic advances or interest.

7. "Grafting" - This term is used to describe putting in effort, work, or persistence to pursue a romantic interest or build a connection with someone.

8. "Crack on" - This phrase is used to encourage someone to continue pursuing a romantic interest or to make a move in a relationship.

9. "Do bits" - This term is used to describe engaging in intimate or physical activities with a romantic partner.

10. "It is what it is" - This saying is used to accept a situation for what it is, without dwelling on it or trying to change it.

Above is Love island sayings and meanings.

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