Love you sayings for daughter

1. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine."

2. "You are my heart walking outside my body."

3. "I loved you yesterday, I love you still, I always have, I always will."

4. "You are my greatest blessing, my sweet daughter."

5. "You are the joy of my life, my precious daughter."

6. "You are the reason I smile every day."

7. "I am so proud to be your parent, my dear daughter."

8. "You are my everything, my love for you knows no bounds."

9. "You are the light of my life, my beautiful daughter."

10. "You are loved more than you will ever know, my darling daughter."

Above is Love you sayings for daughter.

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Christmas sayings for the one you love

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Wow orc sayings

1. Strength and honor.2. Blood and thunder.3. Victory or death.4. For the Horde!5. May your blade never dull.6. Fear is for the enemy.7. The only good human is a dead human.8. In battle, there is no law.9. We are the true masters of this world.10. Our strength comes from unity.

English language sayings and expressions

1. Break a leg - Good luck2. Bite the bullet - Endure a painful situation3. Burning the midnight oil - Working late into the night4. Caught between a rock and a hard place - Facing a difficult decision5. Don't cry over spilled milk - Don't worry about things that have already happened6. E