Malawi sayings

1. "Mtsinje wokhala wakumwera." - The river that flows silently runs deep.

2. "Mchere wokha ndi wokha." - A single finger cannot crush a louse.

3. "Moyo wanga ndi wanga." - My life is my life.

4. "Mphamvu ya m'modzi." - Unity is strength.

5. "Mphamvu ya m'modzi siyitenga." - Unity is not easily broken.

6. "Chikondi chilengedwe." - Love is patient.

7. "Mphamvu ya dziko lathu." - The strength of our nation.

8. "Mphamvu ya dziko lathu ndi ife." - The strength of our nation is us.

9. "Chuma chosatha." - Wealth does not last.

10. "Moyo ndi moyo." - Life is life.

Above is Malawi sayings.

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Envious sayings

1. Comparison is the thief of joy.2. The grass is always greener on the other side.3. Envy is the art of counting the other fellow's blessings instead of your own.4. Envy shoots at others and wounds itself.5. Envy is the ulcer of the soul.6. Envy is the art of counting someone else's bles

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Goodbye sayings to the nuns

1. May your faith guide you always.2. Blessings on your journey of service and devotion.3. May you find peace and fulfillment in your calling.4. Go forth with grace and strength in your mission.5. May your faith be a light to others.6. Wishing you strength and courage in your noble work.