Maqbool bhat sayings on kashmir issue

Maqbool Bhat was a prominent Kashmiri separatist leader who played a significant role in the Kashmiri independence movement. Here are some of his notable sayings on the Kashmir issue:

1. "Kashmir is not a piece of real estate to be bought and sold. It is the land of our ancestors, soaked in the blood of martyrs, and we will never give it up."

2. "Freedom is our birthright, and we will continue to struggle until the people of Kashmir are free from oppression and occupation."

3. "The Kashmir issue is not just a territorial dispute; it is a question of justice, dignity, and the right to self-determination for the people of Kashmir."

4. "We will not rest until the voices of the Kashmiri people are heard, and their aspirations for freedom and independence are realized."

5. "Occupation is temporary, but the spirit of resistance is eternal. The people of Kashmir will never surrender to oppression and tyranny."

These sayings reflect Maqbool Bhat's unwavering commitment to the cause of Kashmiri independence and his belief in the right of the Kashmiri people to determine their own future.

Above is Maqbool bhat sayings on kashmir issue.

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