Marathi sayings on food

1. "जेवण जगाचं आनंद" (Eating is the joy of the world)

2. "जेवणात जगाचं भलं" (Goodness of the world lies in food)

3. "जेवणात जगाचं सुख" (Happiness of the world is in food)

4. "जेवणात जगाचं सौख्य" (Well-being of the world is in food)

5. "जेवणात जगाचं संपत्ती" (Wealth of the world is in food)

Above is Marathi sayings on food.

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1. July is the month of freedom, sunshine, and endless possibilities.2. In July, the world feels alive with the warmth of summer.3. July is a time for picnics, fireworks, and making memories.4. July is like a sweet symphony of laughter and sunshine.5. July is the perfect time to embrace the

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Happy 2024 sayings

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