Marriage declarations sayings

1. "I promise to love, honor, and cherish you for all the days of my life."

2. "I vow to stand by you through thick and thin, in sickness and in health."

3. "With this ring, I thee wed, and pledge my eternal love and loyalty to you."

4. "I take you to be my lawfully wedded spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward."

5. "I choose you to be my partner in life, my one true love, and my constant companion."

6. "I promise to be faithful and supportive, to listen and to trust, and to always be there for you."

7. "I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, for now and for always."

8. "I commit to building a life together, filled with laughter, joy, and unwavering love."

9. "I promise to be your rock, your shelter, and your best friend, for as long as we both shall live."

10. "I declare my love for you today, tomorrow, and forevermore."

Above is Marriage declarations sayings.

Cookie monster birthday sayings

1. Wishing you a monstrously fun birthday, just like Cookie Monster!2. May your birthday be filled with cookies, laughter, and lots of blue fur!3. Here's to a birthday as sweet and delightful as a plate of cookies for Cookie Monster!4. Sending you a big, furry hug and lots of cookie-filled wi

Divorce sayings

1. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.2. Divorce isn't such a tragedy. A tragedy is staying in an unhappy marriage.3. Divorce is not the end of the world, it's the beginning of a new chapter.4. Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize how much they n

Dog sayings about walking them

1. A tired dog is a happy dog.2. A walk a day keeps the vet away.3. The best therapist has fur and four legs.4. Every dog needs a daily constitutional.5. Life is better with a dog by your side on a walk.6. A walk with a dog is a walk with a friend.7. Walking a dog is good for the soul.

Dine and ditch similar sayings

1. Eat and run2. Wine and dash3. Feast and flee4. Chow and bail5. Sup and skip

3 monk sayings

1. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.2. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.3. Let go of attachment to the things you cannot control, and focus on cultivating inner peace and contentment.

Broker sayings

1. Buy low, sell high.2. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.3. The trend is your friend.4. Time in the market beats timing the market.5. Cut your losses and let your profits run.6. The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.7. Never catch a falling knife.8.

Funny sayings for taking a poop

1. Dropping the kids off at the pool.2. Gotta go see a man about a horse.3. Time to release the Kraken.4. Making a deposit at the porcelain bank.5. Taking a trip to the porcelain throne.6. Squeezing out a victory.7. Dropping a deuce.8. Sending a fax to the sewer office.9. Laying som

Old glasgow sayings

1. Gie it laldy - This means to give something your all or to do something with enthusiasm.2. Dinnae fash yersel - This translates to don't worry yourself or don't stress.3. Keep the heid - This means to stay calm and composed in a difficult situation.4. Yer bum's oot the windae - This i

Berry sweet sayings

1. Life is just a bowl of cherries.2. Sweet as a strawberry.3. You're the apple of my eye.4. Love is like a ripe raspberry, sweet and satisfying.5. Life is short, eat the berries first.6. Sweetness is the language of love.7. Savor the sweetness of each moment.8. Life's a peach when yo

French sayings stencils

Here are some popular French sayings that you can use for stencils:1. C'est la vie (That's life)2. Joie de vivre (Joy of living)3. Vive la vie (Long live life)4. La vie est belle (Life is beautiful)5. L'amour toujours (Love always)6. Carpe diem (Seize the day)7. Bon appétit (Enjoy your