Masonic funeral sayings

Here are some traditional Masonic funeral sayings that are often used to honor and remember a departed brother:

1. "We remember with love and respect our departed brother, who has passed from this earthly lodge to the Grand Lodge above."

2. "May the Supreme Architect of the Universe grant our departed brother eternal rest and peace in the Celestial Lodge above."

3. "As we mourn the loss of our brother, let us take comfort in the knowledge that he now rests in the arms of the Great Architect."

4. "In the passing of our brother, we are reminded of the fragility of life and the importance of living with honor and integrity."

5. "Though our brother has left this earthly plane, his Masonic virtues and teachings will continue to guide and inspire us."

6. "As we lay our brother to rest, let us remember his dedication to the principles of Freemasonry and strive to uphold them in his memory."

7. "In the midst of our sorrow, let us find solace in the belief that our departed brother has been called to a higher purpose by the Grand Master of the Universe."

8. "As we bid farewell to our brother, let us take comfort in the bonds of brotherhood that unite us across time and space."

9. "May the light of our departed brother's Masonic journey continue to shine brightly in the hearts of those who knew and loved him."

10. "In the spirit of Masonic brotherhood, we commit our departed brother to the care of the Great Architect, trusting in His wisdom and mercy."

Above is Masonic funeral sayings.

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