Masonic poems and sayings

Here are a few Masonic poems and sayings that are often shared within the Freemasonry community:

1. "We meet upon the level and we part upon the square."

2. "Masonry is a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols."

3. "To be a Mason is not just to wear a pin or attend a meeting, it is to live a life of integrity, honor, and service."

4. "The true Mason is the one who walks with the light of knowledge, the strength of character, and the beauty of compassion."

5. "In the heart of every Mason lies a secret garden of wisdom, where the seeds of truth and virtue are planted."

6. "Freemasonry teaches us to be better men, to seek the light of knowledge, and to build a better world for all."

7. "As the rough ashlar is shaped into a perfect stone, so too is the Mason shaped by the teachings of the Craft."

8. "The compasses of Freemasonry guide us to keep our actions within due bounds and to circumscribe our desires and passions."

9. "The true Mason is not measured by the apron he wears, but by the deeds he performs and the values he upholds."

10. "In the Lodge of Freemasonry, we find brotherhood, unity, and the eternal quest for truth and enlightenment."

Above is Masonic poems and sayings.

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