May the fourth be with you sayings

1. "May the Fourth be with you."

2. "May the Force be with you on this fourth day of May."

3. "May the Fourth be a day filled with Jedi wisdom and Sith strength."

4. "May the Fourth be a day of galactic adventures and epic battles."

5. "May the Fourth be a reminder to always trust in the Force."

6. "May the Fourth be a day to celebrate all things Star Wars."

7. "May the Fourth be a day to channel your inner Jedi."

8. "May the Fourth be a day to embrace the light side of the Force."

9. "May the Fourth be a day to remember the heroes of the galaxy."

10. "May the Fourth be a day to unite fans across the galaxy."

Above is May the fourth be with you sayings.

Advice sayings in spanish

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1. Lent is a time for discipline, for confession, for honesty, not because God is mean or fault-finding or finger-pointing but because he wants us to know the joy of being cleaned out, ready for all the good things he now has in store. - N.T. Wright2. Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to

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