Medieval slang sayings

1. "God's teeth!" - an expression of surprise or frustration

2. "By the rood!" - an oath or declaration of truth

3. "Gadzooks!" - an exclamation of astonishment

4. "Prithee" - please or I pray thee

5. "Methinks" - I think or it seems to me

6. "Zounds!" - an exclamation of surprise or anger

7. "Marry!" - an exclamation of agreement or surprise

8. "By my troth" - by my word of honor

9. "Fie!" - an expression of disgust or disapproval

10. "A pox on it!" - a curse or expression of frustration

Above is Medieval slang sayings.

Dirty dish rag sayings

1. As dirty as a dish rag left out in the rain.2. Filthy as a dish rag used to clean up after a messy meal.3. Grimy like a dish rag forgotten in the sink for days.4. Stained and soiled like a well-used dish rag.5. Mucky as a dish rag used to wipe up spilled food.6. Grubby as a dish rag th

Sayings about graduation day

1. Graduation is not the end, it's the beginning of a new chapter.2. Today is the day you have been working towards, now go out and conquer the world.3. Graduation is a time to celebrate your achievements and look forward to new opportunities.4. As you graduate, remember that the future is yo

Northumbrian sayings

1. Hinny, divvent fash yersel. - Darling, don't worry yourself.2. Gan canny. - Take it easy.3. Aa's reet. - Everything is alright.4. Gan on, man! - Go on, hurry up!5. Howay, man! - Come on, let's go!6. Whey aye, man! - Yes, absolutely.7. Gan radgie. - Go crazy.8. Aa'll give ye a clout

Famous wall street sayings

1. Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.2. Buy low, sell high.3. The trend is your friend.4. Don't fight the tape.5. Cut your losses and let your profits run.6. The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.7. It's not a stock market, but a mark

Arbys drive thru greeting sayings

1. Welcome to Arby's, home of the meats!2. Hey there, what can we make for you today?3. Good [morning/afternoon/evening], welcome to Arby's!4. Thanks for choosing Arby's, how can we satisfy your hunger?5. Hello and welcome to Arby's, where we have the meats!6. Greetings from Arby's, what

French sayings about notre dame

1. Notre-Dame de Paris, joyau de la France. (Notre-Dame of Paris, jewel of France)2. Notre-Dame est le cœur de Paris. (Notre-Dame is the heart of Paris)3. La beauté de Notre-Dame est éternelle. (The beauty of Notre-Dame is eternal)4. Notre-Dame, témoin de l'histoire de la France. (Notre-Dame

Country sayings for crazy

1. Crazier than a road lizard.2. Crazy as a peach orchard boar.3. Crazy as a sprayed roach.4. Crazy as a soup sandwich.5. Crazy as a loon.6. Crazy as a bed bug.7. Crazy as a pet coon.8. Crazy as a run-over dog.9. Crazy as a sprayed cat.10. Crazy as a june bug in January.

Sayings about beautiful woman

1. A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul. - Minna Antrim2. Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. - Kahlil Gibran3. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place wh

Sayings about making an impression

1. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.2. First impressions are lasting impressions.3. Make a lasting impression, not just a good one.4. Leave a positive impact wherever you go.5. Impressions are like footprints, make sure yours are worth following.6. Stand out in a c

Slinky dog sayings

1. Stretching my legs and my imagination!2. Life is a wild ride, just like me!3. I'm always ready to spring into action!4. I may be a little twisted, but I'm full of fun!5. I'm the original spring-loaded pup!6. I'm not just a toy, I'm a way of life!7. Bouncing through life with a waggin