Office politics quotes and sayings

1. "Office politics is just another term for the game of survival." - Robert Greene

2. "In the world of office politics, it's not always the most talented who succeed, but the most strategic." - Unknown

3. "Office politics is the art of getting along with others while getting ahead of them." - Garry Trudeau

4. "Office politics is the art of making people think they are in charge when you are actually the one pulling the strings." - Unknown

5. "In the game of office politics, it's important to know when to play your cards and when to fold." - Unknown

6. "Office politics is like a game of chess, you have to think several moves ahead to stay ahead of the game." - Unknown

7. "Office politics is the art of manipulating others to achieve your own goals while making them think it was their idea." - Unknown

8. "In the world of office politics, it's not about who you know, but who knows you." - Unknown

9. "Office politics is a necessary evil in the workplace, but it's important to navigate it with integrity and grace." - Unknown

10. "The key to surviving office politics is to stay true to yourself and not get caught up in the drama." - Unknown

Above is Office politics quotes and sayings.

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