Memorial ornament sayings

1. "Forever in our hearts"

2. "In loving memory"

3. "Gone but never forgotten"

4. "Always remembered, never forgotten"

5. "In loving memory of a life well lived"

6. "Cherished memories live on"

7. "You will always be with us"

8. "Your spirit lives on"

9. "In loving memory of a beloved [family member/friend]"

10. "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day"

Above is Memorial ornament sayings.

Funny soldier quotes sayings

1. I'm not a hero, I'm just a funny soldier with a gun and a mission to make you laugh.2. I joined the army to fight for my country, but all I seem to be fighting for now is the last slice of pizza in the mess hall.3. War may be hell, but at least it's got great material for my stand-up routine

Freshman sayings for t-shirts

1. Freshman and fabulous2. Making memories as a freshman3. Freshman year, here I come4. Freshman vibes only5. Living my best freshman life6. Freshman squad goals7. Freshman and fearless8. Freshman on a mission9. Freshman hustle and heart10. Freshman by day, dreamer by night

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Gaelic sayings about drinking

Hijjabmuslim love quotes and sayings

1. Love is not about how much you say 'I love you,' but how much you prove that it's true. 2. Love is not finding someone to live with, it's finding someone you can't live without. 3. Love is a journey that starts with a halal intention and ends with Jannah. 4. Love is when you look into some

Italian sayings and translations

1. Chi dorme non piglia pesci - The early bird catches the worm.2. Meglio tardi che mai - Better late than never.3. Chi ben comincia è a metà dell'opera - Well begun is half done.4. La gatta frettolosa ha fatto i gattini ciechi - Haste makes waste.5. Non tutte le ciambelle riescono

Life is like a poker game sayings

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