Men sayings for wine glasses

1. "Wine a bit, you'll feel better."

2. "Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy."

3. "Wine improves with age, I improve with wine."

4. "Wine a little, laugh a lot."

5. "In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria."

6. "Wine not?"

7. "Wine a little, it'll make you feel better."

8. "Life is too short to drink bad wine."

9. "Wine is bottled poetry."

10. "Wine is the answer. What was the question?"

Above is Men sayings for wine glasses.

Couple sayings in korean

1. 사랑은 두 번 말하지 않는다. (Love doesn't need to be said twice.)2. 고생 끝에 낙이 온다. (After hardship comes happiness.)

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1. A greedy person is like a dog eating hot coals. Even if you throw more coals at them, they will never be satisfied.2. Beware of the greedy person, for they will always want more and never be content with what they have.3. A greedy person is like a bottomless pit - no matter how much you give

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For instagram photos sayings

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1. I'm not weird, I'm limited edition2. Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am3. I put the 'pro' in procrastinate4. I'm not lazy, I'm on energy-saving mode5. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right6. I'm not a morning person, I'm a coffee person7. I'm not

Close your mouth sayings

1. Shut your trap.2. Zip it.3. Keep your mouth shut.4. Don't speak out of turn.5. Hold your tongue.6. Mum's the word.7. Silence is golden.8. Don't blab.9. Keep a lid on it.10. Button your lip.