Midi fighter utility keeps sayings it's detecting two midi fighters

If the MIDI Fighter Utility is detecting two MIDI Fighters, it could be due to a few reasons:

1. **Physical Connection**: Check if both MIDI Fighters are physically connected to your computer. If they are, try disconnecting one of them and see if the utility still detects two devices.

2. **Driver Issue**: It's possible that the drivers for the MIDI Fighters are conflicting or not installed correctly. Try reinstalling the drivers for the MIDI Fighters and see if that resolves the issue.

3. **Software Conflict**: There may be another software or device on your computer that is causing the MIDI Fighter Utility to detect two devices. Try closing other MIDI-related software or disconnecting other MIDI devices to see if the issue persists.

4. **Firmware Issue**: Check if the firmware on both MIDI Fighters is up to date. Updating the firmware may resolve any detection issues.

If none of these solutions work, you may want to reach out to the support team of the MIDI Fighter Utility for further assistance.

Above is Midi fighter utility keeps sayings it's detecting two midi fighters.

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