Mojo jojo sayings

Here are some famous sayings by Mojo Jojo from the TV show "The Powerpuff Girls":

1. "Curse you, Powerpuff Girls!"

2. "I am Mojo Jojo, the greatest evil genius the world has ever known!"

3. "Prepare to face the wrath of Mojo Jojo!"

4. "Foolish Powerpuff Girls, you cannot defeat me!"

5. "I will have my revenge, just you wait!"

6. "I am the master of all evil!"

7. "You may have won this time, Powerpuff Girls, but I will be back!"

8. "Mojo Jojo is always one step ahead!"

9. "I will not rest until I have destroyed you, Powerpuff Girls!"

10. "You cannot escape the wrath of Mojo Jojo!"

Above is Mojo jojo sayings.

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