Mother's day funny sayings

1. "Mom, thanks for putting up with me all these years. I'm starting to understand why you always needed that glass of wine at the end of the day."

2. "I smile because you're my mother. I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it."

3. "Mom, I know I'm your favorite child. Let's just keep that between us and not tell my siblings."

4. "I love how we don't even need to say out loud that I'm your favorite child. It's just understood."

5. "Mom, thanks for always being there for me, even when I was a teenager and probably didn't deserve it."

6. "I got it from my mama – my good looks, my sense of humor, and my ability to eat a whole pizza in one sitting."

7. "Mom, you're like a superhero without a cape. Although, I have seen you wear an apron with a pretty impressive cape-like flourish."

8. "I used to think I knew everything, but then I became a mother and realized I knew nothing – just like you always said."

9. "Mom, you're the real MVP – Most Valuable Parent. Dad can have the title of Most Valuable Player, but we all know who's really running the show."

10. "Thanks for always being my emergency contact, therapist, and personal chef. You truly do it all, Mom."

Above is Mother's day funny sayings.

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