Mum sayings embroidery

Embroidering your mom's favorite sayings can be a thoughtful and sentimental gift. Here are a few classic mom sayings that you could consider embroidering:

1. "Home is where the heart is."

2. "A mother's love knows no bounds."

3. "The best things in life are free."

4. "Love you to the moon and back."

5. "Home-cooked meals are made with love."

6. "A mother's work is never done."

7. "Family is everything."

8. "Laughter is the best medicine."

9. "Always follow your dreams."

10. "Home is where mom is."

You can choose a beautiful font and thread color to make the embroidery even more special. Your mom will surely appreciate the time and effort you put into creating such a heartfelt gift.

Above is Mum sayings embroidery.

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Sayings about admitting things to yourself

1. The first step towards change is admitting to yourself that you need it.2. You can't heal what you don't acknowledge. Admitting the truth to yourself is the first step towards healing.3. Admitting your mistakes is the first step towards learning from them.4. The truth may hurt, but admitti