Musashi sayings

Here are some famous sayings attributed to the legendary Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi:

1. "Do nothing which is of no use."

2. "The true science of martial arts means practicing them in such a way that they will be useful at any time, and to teach them in such a way that they will be useful in all things."

3. "You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain."

4. "Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye."

5. "The ultimate aim of martial arts is not having to use them."

6. "Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world."

7. "Do not regret what you have done."

8. "Do not seek pleasure for its own sake."

9. "You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honour."

10. "There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself."

Above is Musashi sayings.

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