Muslim life quotes and sayings

1. "Verily, with hardship comes ease." - Quran 94:6

2. "Do not lose hope, nor be sad." - Quran 3:139

3. "The best among you are those who have the best manners and character." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

4. "Speak good or remain silent." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

5. "The believer does not slander, curse, or speak in an obscene or foul manner." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

6. "The best of you are those who are best to their families." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

7. "Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear." - Quran 2:286

8. "The most beloved deeds to Allah are those done consistently, even if they are small." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

9. "Patience is the key to paradise." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

10. "Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do evil." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Above is Muslim life quotes and sayings.

16 portuguese sayings

1. Quem não arrisca, não petisca. (Nothing ventured, nothing gained.)2. Águas passadas não movem moinhos. (Don't cry over spilled milk.)3. Quem semeia ventos, colhe tempestades. (You reap what you sow.)4. Cão que ladra não morde. (His bark is worse than his bite.)5. Quem tem telhados de vid

Black country folk sayings

1. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. - Meaning: Don't make plans based on something that hasn't happened yet.2. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. - Meaning: You can't turn something of poor quality into something of high quality.3. A watched pot never boils. - Meaning:

Dedication plaque sayings

1. In recognition of your unwavering dedication and commitment to excellence.2. Your dedication and hard work have made a lasting impact on all those around you.3. For your tireless dedication and passion in all that you do.4. In appreciation of your dedication and loyalty to our organization

1920s phrases and sayings

1. The bee's knees - used to describe something excellent or outstanding2. Cat's pajamas - similar to bee's knees, meaning something great or impressive3. 23 skidoo - a phrase used to tell someone to leave quickly or to move on4. Darb - a term used to describe something or someone stylish

Japanese sayings on working hard

1. 努力は裏切らない (Doryoku wa uragiranai) - Hard work never betrays.2. 一日三秋 (Ichinichi sanshuu) - One day, three autumns. (Meaning that a day of hard work feels like three seasons have passed.)3. 努力は報われる (Doryoku wa mukuwareru) - Hard work pays off.4. 蓼食う虫も好き好き (Tade kuu mushi mo sukizuki) -

Sayings make easy for children

1. Practice makes perfect.2. Believe in yourself.3. Do your best and forget the rest.4. Sharing is caring.5. Mistakes are proof that you are trying.6. Be kind to others.7. Dream big.8. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.9. Always be y

God awful puns and sayings

1. I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough.2. I'm reading a book on anti-gravity, it's impossible to put down.3. I'm friends with 25 letters of the alphabet. I don't know y.4. I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug.5. I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I

Heat touching sayings

1. Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell. - Joan Crawford2. The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire. - Ferdinand Foch3. It is better to burn than to wither. - John Green4. The fire you kindle for your enemy

Japanese drinking sayings

1. 酒は百薬の長 (Sake wa hyakuyaku no chou) - Sake is the best medicine.2. 酒は友達 (Sake wa tomodachi) - Sake is a friend.3. 酒を飲むなら、酔いどれまで (Sake o nomu nara, yoidore made) - If you're going to drink, drink until you're drunk.4. 酒は神の恵み (Sake wa kami no megumi) - Sake is a gift from the gods.5.

Meaning of thanksgiving sayings

Thanksgiving sayings are expressions or phrases that are commonly used during the Thanksgiving holiday to convey gratitude, appreciation, and blessings. These sayings often reflect the spirit of thankfulness and the importance of coming together with loved ones to celebrate and give thanks. Some com