My friends kids facebook sayings

Sure, here are some popular Facebook sayings that kids might use:

1. "YOLO - You Only Live Once"

2. "FOMO - Fear of Missing Out"

3. "Slay all day"

4. "Lit AF"

5. "Goals"

6. "Squad goals"

7. "Bless up"

8. "Stay woke"

9. "On fleek"

10. "Keep it 100"

These are just a few examples of trendy sayings that kids might use on Facebook or other social media platforms.

Above is My friends kids facebook sayings.

Boxes with sayings subscription

A subscription box service that delivers boxes with sayings could be a great way to receive inspirational or motivational messages regularly. Each box could contain items such as notebooks, mugs, posters, or other products with uplifting quotes or phrases. Subscribers could look forward to receiving

Sayings about boss

1. A good boss makes his men realize they have more ability than they think they have so that they consistently do better work than they thought they could. - Charles Erwin Wilson2. The best leader is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enoug

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1. You're the sweetest treat in my life, just like this box of chocolates.2. Life is like a box of chocolates, and you're my favorite flavor.3. You melt my heart like chocolate melts in your mouth.4. You're the perfect blend of sweetness and love, just like this chocolate truffle.5. I love

Food drive sayings

1. Together we can make a difference.2. Give from the heart, feed a hungry soul.3. Helping hands, full hearts.4. No one should go hungry.5. Every donation counts.6. Spread kindness, share food.7. Feeding the community, one donation at a time.8. Supporting those in need, one meal at a

Ave famous sayings i tried nothing

Here are a few famous sayings that you might find inspiring:1. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs2. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer3. The only limit

Cute sayings to put on a bracelet

1. Be kind, be brave, be you.2. Love always wins.3. Stay wild, stay free.4. Embrace the journey.5. You are enough.6. Choose joy.7. Dream big, sparkle more.8. Believe in miracles.9. Find your tribe, love them hard.10. Inhale courage, exhale fear.

Gemtle hands sayings

1. A gentle hand can turn away wrath. 2. A gentle touch can heal a wounded soul. 3. In a world full of chaos, be the gentle hand that brings peace. 4. A gentle hand is a powerful tool for kindness and compassion. 5. The mark of a true leader is a gentle hand that guides with wisdom and grac

T shirt quotes sayings

1. Life is short, buy the t-shirt.2. Keep calm and wear a t-shirt.3. Slay all day in a t-shirt.4. T-shirts are my love language.5. In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic t-shirt.6. Coffee, t-shirts, and good vibes.7. T-shirt weather is the best weather.8. T-shirts: the

Funny softball sayings for t-shirts

1. I'm here for the beer and the softball gear2. Softball: where strikeouts are just a part of the game3. I'm not just a player, I'm a softball ninja4. Softball: where diamonds are a girl's best friend5. Eat. Sleep. Softball. Repeat.6. I'm the girl your coach warned you about7. Softball

Famous radio sayings

1. And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...2. Stay tuned for more music and less talk.3. You're listening to the smooth sounds of [radio station name].4. Tune in, turn up, and rock out.5. Keep it locked for the best in hip-hop and R&B.6. Bringing you the hits from yesterday and