N.ireland sayings

Here are some common sayings and phrases from Northern Ireland:

1. "Aye, ye know yourself." - Used to acknowledge agreement or understanding.

2. "Dead on." - Means something is good or satisfactory.

3. "Keep 'er lit." - Encouragement to keep going or to keep up the good work.

4. "What's the craic?" - A greeting asking how things are or what's going on.

5. "Away on, ye boy ye!" - Expression of disbelief or dismissal.

6. "Wee dander." - A leisurely walk or stroll.

7. "Catch yourself on." - A phrase used to tell someone to stop being foolish or unrealistic.

8. "That's us." - Used to indicate completion or readiness to leave.

9. "Sure look it." - A phrase used to accept a situation or to express resignation.

10. "Dander up the road." - To walk or travel a short distance.

Above is N.ireland sayings.

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