Navy wife quotes and sayings

1. "Behind every strong sailor is an even stronger Navy wife."

2. "Home is where the Navy sends us."

3. "A Navy wife: a woman who bravely stands behind her sailor, holding down the fort while he defends the country."

4. "Sailor's wife, toughest job in the Navy."

5. "Love anchors the soul of a Navy wife."

6. "Distance means so little when someone means so much."

7. "In the Navy, you don't just marry the sailor, you marry the sea."

8. "A Navy wife's love knows no distance."

9. "Serving in the Navy is a job, being a Navy wife is a calling."

10. "Stronger together, apart for duty."

Above is Navy wife quotes and sayings.

No fear shirt sayings

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Copyright laws on sayings

Copyright laws do not protect short phrases or sayings, as they are considered too brief and lacking in originality to be eligible for copyright protection. However, longer expressions or collections of sayings that are original and creative may be eligible for copyright protection as literary works

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Earthy sayings

1. Getting back to your roots.2. Grounded like a tree.3. As solid as the earth.4. Down to earth.5. Rooted in reality.6. Feet on the ground.7. Connected to the land.8. Salt of the earth.9. Deep as the roots of a tree.10. In tune with nature.

Cat and nat sayings

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