Nepali sayings about love

1. "मायाले जीवन राम्रो बनाउँछ, तर अहिले अर्को जीवन नयाँ बनाउनु पर्छ।" (Love makes life beautiful, but now we need to create a new life.)

2. "मायाले दुख दिन्छ, तर उसले पनि उपचार गर्दछ।" (Love brings pain, but it also heals.)

3. "मायाले आँसु दिन्छ, तर उसले पनि हाँसी दिन्छ।" (Love brings tears, but it also brings smiles.)

4. "मायाले दूरी बढाउँछ, तर उसले पनि नजिक ल्याउँछ।" (Love creates distance, but it also brings closeness.)

5. "मायाले जीवनलाई रंगिन बनाउँछ र हाम्रो मनलाई खुशी दिन्छ।" (Love colors life and brings happiness to our hearts.)

Above is Nepali sayings about love.

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