Nessa sayings from gavin and stacey

Here are some popular Nessa sayings from the TV show Gavin and Stacey:

1. "What's occurring?"

2. "Oh, what's occurring, then?"

3. "I'll tell you what, you can't beat a bit of bully."

4. "I'm not being funny, but..."

5. "Oh, tidy!"

6. "Oh, hello, stranger!"

7. "I'm not being funny, but I've got a good mind to..."

8. "I'm not being funny, but that's bang out of order."

9. "Oh, for God's sake!"

10. "I'm not being funny, but I've had a result."

Above is Nessa sayings from gavin and stacey.

Funny nervous sayings

1. I'm sweating like a sinner in church.2. I'm so nervous, I feel like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.3. I'm more wound up than a two-dollar watch.4. I'm shaking like a leaf in a hurricane.5. I'm as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.6. I'm s

Patsy stones sayings

Patsy Stone is a character from the British television show Absolutely Fabulous. Some of her iconic sayings include:1. Sweetie, darling!2. Cheers, sweetie!3. I'm just going to have a little lie down.4. Who needs men when we've got champagne?5. One more won't hurt, sweetie.6. Champagne f

Monday sayings for instagram

1. New week, new goals. Let's crush it! 🌟2. Monday motivation: You got this! 💪3. Embrace the start of a fresh week with positivity and determination. ✨4. Rise and grind, it's Monday! ☕️💼5. Make today amazing, it's Monday after all! 🌈6. Start your week with a smile and positive vibes. 😊7.

Old vs young sayings

Here are some sayings that contrast old age with youth:1. Age before beauty.2. Youth is wasted on the young.3. Old age comes at a bad time.4. The older the fiddle, the sweeter the tune.5. Youth looks forward, age looks back.6. Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you'

Ali bin abi talib sayings in arabic

1. الصمت حكمة والكلام فضة.2. العقل زينة للرجل والجهل زينة للجاهل.3. الناس ثلاثة: عالم رباني، ومتعلم على سبيل نجاة، وهمج رعاع أتباع كل ناعق يميلون مع كل ريح.4. الحلم مفتاح كل باب مغلق.5. لا تكن كالذي يرى الناس في عيوبهم ما يراه الناس في عيوبه.6. العقل غنى، والجهل فقر.7. العلم يحتاج إلى ا

Shower invitation sayings

1. Join us in celebrating [Name]'s upcoming nuptials with a bridal shower filled with love and laughter!2. Let's shower the bride-to-be with love and well wishes at a special bridal shower in her honor.3. Get ready to shower the soon-to-be Mrs. with gifts, giggles, and good times at her bridal

Christmas bell sayings

1. Ring in the holiday cheer with the sound of Christmas bells.2. The jingle of Christmas bells fills the air with joy and merriment.3. May the ringing of Christmas bells bring peace and goodwill to all.4. Let the sweet sound of Christmas bells remind us of the magic of the season.5. The me

Daresay vs dare sayings

Daresay and dare sayings are two different terms with distinct meanings:1. Daresay is a single word that means to venture to say, to express an opinion or belief, or to assert confidently. For example, I daresay he will be late again.2. Dare sayings refers to phrases or expressions that in

Arabic sayings baby

Here are a few Arabic sayings related to babies:1. الطفل جوهرة في عيني الأم (Translation: A child is a jewel in the eyes of the mother.)2. الطفل دفء القلب وسر السعادة (Translation: A child is the warmth of the heart and the secret of happiness.)3. الطفل يملأ البيت بالضحك والبهجة (Translati

Christian sayings about gifts for christmas

1. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. - Isaiah 9:62. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights. - James 1:173. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! - 2 Corinthians 9:154. For God so loved the world that he gave his