New slang sayings

1. "Flexin' on 'em" - Showing off or boasting about one's accomplishments or possessions.

2. "Slayin' the game" - Excelling or dominating in a particular area or activity.

3. "Lit AF" - Extremely exciting or fun.

4. "Savage" - Someone who is fearless, bold, or ruthless.

5. "Gucci" - Cool, good, or stylish.

6. "On fleek" - On point or perfectly done.

7. "Throwing shade" - Making subtle or indirect insults or criticisms.

8. "FOMO" - Fear of missing out.

9. "Snatched" - Looking exceptionally good or attractive.

10. "Thirsty" - Desperate or overly eager, especially for attention or validation.

Above is New slang sayings.

Joining two sayings

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Cricket sayings australia

1. It's just not cricket - used to express disapproval of unfair or unsportsmanlike behavior.2. As fit as a Mallee bull - referring to someone who is very strong and healthy.3. He's got more edges than a broken bottle - used to describe a batsman who is getting lucky with close calls.4. He's

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1. The love and care we give to others is the fuel that sustains our own happiness. - Unknown2. Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think. - Benjamin Disraeli3. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. - Alfred Austin4. Nurtu

Pie sayings

1. Easy as pie.2. Cutie pie.3. Pie in the sky.4. Pie-eyed.5. As American as apple pie.6. Pie in the face.7. Sweet as pie.8. Pie crust doesn't make itself.9. A slice of pie never hurt anyone.10. Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.

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1. Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity. - Herbert Hoover2. Independence is happiness. - Susan B. Anthony3. Liberty is the breath of life to nations. - George Bernard Shaw4. Let freedom never perish in your hands. - Joseph Addison5

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