New york sayings for getting a lecture

1. "I got an earful from my boss, he really gave me the New York treatment."

2. "I got a real Bronx cheer from my mom for coming home late."

3. "I got the Brooklyn Bridge lecture from my teacher for not turning in my homework."

4. "I got the Times Square talk from my friend about being more responsible."

5. "I got the Staten Island scolding from my dad for forgetting to take out the trash."

Above is New york sayings for getting a lecture.

One line sayings about friendship

True friends are like stars, you may not always see them but you know they are always there.

Cute sayings to write on diapers

1. Handle with care, cuteness inside!2. Baby love in every fold.3. Tiny toes, big dreams.4. Diaper duty, made with love.5. Little bundle of joy, big mess to enjoy!6. Snug as a bug in a diaper rug.7. Sweet cheeks, happy leaks.8. Diaper days, happy ways.9. Love at first diaper change.

Exaggerated sayings

1. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!2. I'm so tired I feel like I've been run over by a truck.3. I'm so busy I need to clone myself to get everything done.4. I'm so broke I can't even afford to pay attention.5. I'm so happy I feel like I'm walking on sunshine.6. I'm so cold I think I mig

Funny graduation announcements sayings

1. I did it for the tassel, but I stayed for the knowledge.2. I'm officially a graduate, so now I can finally use my degree to impress my parents.3. I graduated with a degree in procrastination... eventually.4. I'm now a professional student loan payer.5. I'm graduating with a degree in Net

Bull terrier sayings

1. A bull terrier is like a potato chip, you can never have just one.2. Bull terriers: big hearts in small bodies.3. Bull terriers: the clown of the dog world.4. Bull terriers: loyal to the bone.5. Life is better with a bull terrier by your side.6. Bull terriers: the perfect blend of misc

Armenian proverbs and sayings

1. A good deed is never lost.2. A guest is a gift from God.3. The dog barks, but the caravan moves on.4. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.5. A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will.6. A lie has short legs.7. The one who doesn't work, doesn't eat.8. A friend's eye is a g

Cucumber sayings quotes

1. Cool as a cucumber.2. In a pickle.3. You're in a real pickle now.4. Don't be a sourpuss, be a sweet cucumber.5. He's as cool as a cucumber in a bowl of hot sauce.6. I'm in a bit of a pickle.7. She's as cool as a cucumber.8. I'm as cool as a cucumber.9. He's as cool as a cucumber.

Dutch phrases and sayings

1. Als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel - When the cat's away, the mice will play.2. Met de deur in huis vallen - To get straight to the point.3. Een appeltje voor de dorst - A rainy day fund.4. Wie het eerst komt, het eerst maalt - First come, first served.5. Beter een vogel i

Dolphin valentine sayings

1. You make my heart swim with joy, Valentine!2. I'm flipping out over you, Valentine!3. You're the splash to my ocean, Valentine!4. I'm so glad we're in the same school, Valentine!5. You're the one that makes my tail wag, Valentine!6. Let's make a splash together, Valentine!7. You're t

Ballerina quotes and sayings

1. Dance is the hidden language of the soul. - Martha Graham2. To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. - Agnes De Mille3. Ballet is not technique but a way of expression that comes more closely to the inner language of man than any other. - George Borodin4. T