Newcastle united sayings

1. "Howay the lads!" - A popular chant among Newcastle United fans to show support for the team.

2. "Toon Army" - Referring to the passionate fan base of Newcastle United.

3. "We are the Geordies, the Geordie boot boys!" - Another chant often heard at St James' Park.

4. "Black and White Army" - Referring to the team's iconic black and white striped kit.

5. "In Rafa we trust" - A saying that emerged during Rafael Benitez's time as manager of Newcastle United, reflecting the fans' support for him.

6. "The Magpies" - Another nickname for Newcastle United, derived from the black and white colors of the team.

7. "Howay the Mighty Mags!" - A rallying cry for the team during matches.

8. "United we stand, divided we fall" - Reflecting the unity and solidarity among Newcastle United fans.

9. "Toon til I die" - A declaration of unwavering loyalty to the club.

10. "The pride of the North East" - Highlighting Newcastle United's status as a prominent football club in the region.

Above is Newcastle united sayings.

Karate shirt sayings

1. Karate is not about winning or losing, but about self-improvement.2. Train hard, fight easy.3. Karate: the art of discipline and respect.4. Fear is the only enemy in karate.5. Karate: where the mind, body, and spirit unite.6. In karate, there is no first strike.7. Karate is a journey

Clean sayings that sound dirty

1. A clean house is a sign of a wasted life.2. Dirt is just matter out of place.3. A little dirt never hurt anyone.4. Cleaning is just a fancy word for tidying up.5. Sweeping problems under the rug only creates a bigger mess.6. Dust is a protective coating for fine furniture.7. A dirty

Classic wog sayings

1. She'll be right, mate.2. Fair dinkum!3. No worries.4. G'day, mate.5. As dry as a dead dingo's donger.6. Strewth!7. You little ripper!8. Chuck a sickie.9. She's apples.10. You beauty!

Fries before guys sayings

1. Fries before guys, because fries never disappoint.2. I'll choose fries over guys any day.3. Fries before guys, always and forever.4. Why worry about guys when you can have fries?5. In the battle of fries vs. guys, fries always win.6. Fries are my true love, guys can wait.7. Boys come

Sayings of hazrat umar in arabic

1. اللهم اجعلني خيرا مما يظنون، واغفر لي ما لا يعلمون.2. إنما الناس كالأسنان، إذا تركتها تقوى، وإذا شددت عليها كسرت.3. العقل زينة، والجهل عار.4. إنما الناس كالبهائم، يأكلون كما تأكل البهائم، وينامون كما تنام البهائم.5. من لم يعرف قدر الشيء، لم يعرف فقدانه.6. العدل أساس الملك، والجور زوال

Getting up early sayings

1. The early bird catches the worm.2. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.3. The morning is the most important part of the day.4. Rise and shine!5. Don't let the sun catch you sleeping.6. Start your day with a smile and positive energy.7. Early risers

Different sayings around australia

1. G'day mate! - A common greeting in Australia.2. No worries - Used to indicate that something is not a problem or that there is no need to worry.3. Fair dinkum - Used to express authenticity or truthfulness.4. She'll be right - A phrase indicating that everything will be okay or that there

Croatian sayings translated

1. Kad na vrbi rodi grožđe. - When grapes grow on a willow tree. (Used to describe something that is impossible or unlikely to happen)2. Tko rano rani, dvije sreće grabi. - The early bird catches two fortunes. (Meaning that waking up early and being proactive can lead to success)3. Mala maca ve

World cancer day sayings

1. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against cancer.2. Cancer may have started the fight, but we will finish it.3. Strength, courage, and hope: the essential ingredients in the battle against cancer.4. Cancer may be tough, but we are tougher.5. Every day is a chance to fight a

Farewell sayings with a fishing background

1. May your days be filled with calm waters and big catches. Farewell!2. As you sail off into new horizons, may your fishing lines always be tight. Farewell, my friend.3. Wishing you tight lines and big smiles wherever your journey takes you. Farewell!4. Just like a well-cast line, may your p