Newfie food sayings

1. "Scoff and scuff" - to eat heartily and quickly

2. "Cod cheeks and scrunchions" - a traditional Newfoundland dish made with fried cod cheeks and pork fat

3. "Jigg's dinner" - a boiled meal consisting of salt beef, vegetables, and pease pudding

4. "Bakeapple picking weather" - a phrase used to describe perfect weather for picking bakeapples (cloudberry)

5. "A feed of toutons" - a meal of fried dough typically served with molasses

6. "Pea soup fog" - a thick fog that resembles the color and consistency of pea soup

7. "Hard bread and molasses" - a simple and traditional Newfoundland snack

8. "Fisherman's brewis" - a dish made with salt fish, hard bread, and pork fat

9. "Flummies and toutons" - a combination of traditional Newfoundland foods, with flummies being a type of pancake made with flour and baking powder

10. "A mug-up" - a small meal or snack, often enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee

Above is Newfie food sayings.

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1. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. - The Golden Rule2. Give and you shall receive. 3. The more you give, the more you get back in return.4. What goes around comes around.5. You get what you give.6. Kindness begets kindness.7. The best way to receive is to give.8. Re

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1. A forgettable film that fails to leave a lasting impression. 2. Lacks originality and falls flat in execution. 3. A disappointing effort from a talented cast. 4. A predictable plot that offers nothing new to the genre. 5. Fails to live up to the hype and ultimately disappoints. 6. A sh

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1. Học trên giảng đường, hỏi trên giường chiều. (Learn in the classroom, ask on the bed at night.)2. Đi một ngày đàng học một sàng khôn. (Travel one day, learn one wisdom.)3. Đi đêm không sợ đường dài, đi ngày không sợ nắng. (Don't fear a long road at night, don't fear the sun during the day.)

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1. A dream is a wish your heart makes. - Cinderella2. So this is love, so this is what makes life divine. - Cinderella3. Have courage and be kind. - Cinderella4. Even miracles take a little time. - Cinderella5. Where there is kindness, there is goodness. And where there is goodness, there i

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1. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:162. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:133. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understa

Jersey slang sayings

1. Down the shore - Refers to going to the beach or the Jersey Shore.2. Fuggedaboutit - Means forget about it or don't worry about it.3. Wawa run - Refers to going to the convenience store chain Wawa for snacks or drinks.4. Pork roll - Refers to a popular breakfast meat in New Jersey, also k