Nihilistic sayings

1. "Life is a meaningless void, filled with temporary distractions."

2. "In the grand scheme of the universe, our existence is insignificant."

3. "There is no inherent purpose to our existence, only the illusion of meaning we create for ourselves."

4. "We are all just specks of dust in the vast emptiness of the cosmos."

5. "Nothing we do ultimately matters, as we are all destined for oblivion."

6. "The universe is indifferent to our struggles and suffering."

7. "In the end, we are all alone in a cold and uncaring world."

8. "Hope is a delusion, a fleeting comfort in the face of our inevitable demise."

9. "We are born into a world of chaos and randomness, with no inherent order or meaning."

10. "Life is a cruel joke, played on us by a universe that doesn't care."

Above is Nihilistic sayings.

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