Norse pagan sayings

1. "Hail the gods, hail the ancestors, hail the spirits of the land."

2. "By the hammer of Thor, may we be strong and resilient."

3. "May the wisdom of Odin guide us in our decisions."

4. "In the embrace of Freyja, may we find love and passion."

5. "May the light of the sun bring clarity and truth to our path."

6. "By the strength of Tyr, may we uphold justice and honor."

7. "May the protection of Frigg shield us from harm."

8. "In the rhythm of the seasons, we find the cycle of life and death."

9. "By the power of Loki, may we embrace change and chaos."

10. "May the roots of Yggdrasil connect us to the past, present, and future."

Above is Norse pagan sayings.

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