Nostalgia sayings

1. "Those were the days."

2. "Back in my day..."

3. "I remember when..."

4. "Ah, the good old times."

5. "I miss the old days."

6. "Brings back memories."

7. "I wish we could go back to those times."

8. "Reminiscing about the past."

9. "In the good old days..."

10. "Things were simpler back then."

Above is Nostalgia sayings.

Pigs fly sayings

1. When pigs fly.2. Pigs might fly.3. Until pigs fly.4. Pigs will fly before that happens.5. Pigs can't fly.6. As likely as pigs flying.7. When pigs grow wings.8. When pigs take to the air.9. Pigs in the sky.10. When pigs soar.

Sexy santa sayings

1. I'm making a list and checking it twice, but I already know you've been naughty and nice.2. Forget milk and cookies, how about some wine and kisses?3. I've got a special present just for you, and it's not under the tree.4. Santa's not the only one who knows if you've been bad or good.5.

Inspirational sayings light

Let your light shine so brightly that others can see their way out of the dark. Be the light in someone's darkness.In the darkest of times, be the light that guides you through.Light up the world with your positivity and kindness.Even the smallest light can shine in the darkest of places.

Cards with flowers sayings

1. Bloom where you are planted.2. In a field of roses, she is a wildflower.3. Every flower must grow through dirt.4. The earth laughs in flowers.5. Happiness blooms from within.6. Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.7. Life

I can make something out of myself sayings

1. I am capable of achieving great things.2. I have the power to create my own success.3. I am worthy of all the good things life has to offer.4. I am a work in progress, constantly growing and evolving.5. I have the strength and determination to overcome any obstacle.6. I am unique and h

Sayings about changing the rules

1. If the rules are unfair, change them.2. Rules are made to be broken, or at least reevaluated.3. Sometimes you have to rewrite the rules to win the game.4. Don't be afraid to challenge the status quo and change the rules.5. In a world that constantly changes, the rules should too.6. The

Art work for dining room with sayings

Here are a few ideas for art pieces with sayings that would be perfect for a dining room:1. Gather Here with Grateful Hearts - A beautiful calligraphy print with this saying would create a warm and inviting atmosphere in your dining room.2. Bless the Food Before Us, the Family Beside Us, and the

Free funny sayings to put on glasses

1. I'm not drunk, I'm just enhancing my personality!2. Sip happens.3. In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.4. I'm outdoorsy... in that I like drinking on patios.5. I'm not a wine snob, I'm a wine enthusiast.6. I make pour decisions.7. I'm on a st

Dr oz sayings

Here are some popular sayings attributed to Dr. Oz:1. You can't change what you don't acknowledge.2. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were yesterday.3. The first step to a better life is to decide that you want one.4. You can't out-exercise a bad diet.5. You

Son and mother sayings

1. A son is a son till he takes him a wife, a daughter is a daughter all of her life. - Irish Proverb2. A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. - Cardinal Mermillod3. A son will outgrow your lap, but never your heart. - Unknown4. A mother's l