Nufc famous sayings

Here are some famous sayings associated with Newcastle United Football Club (NUFC):

1. "Howay the lads!" - A popular phrase used by Newcastle fans to show support for the team.

2. "The Toon Army" - Referring to the passionate and loyal fan base of Newcastle United.

3. "We are the Geordies" - Geordie is a term used to describe people from Newcastle, and this saying emphasizes the pride and identity of the club's supporters.

4. "In Rafa we trust" - A phrase used during Rafael Benitez's time as manager of Newcastle United, reflecting the fans' confidence in his leadership.

5. "Black and White Army" - Another term used to describe the fan base of Newcastle United, highlighting the club's colors.

These sayings capture the spirit and enthusiasm of Newcastle United fans and their unwavering support for the club.

Above is Nufc famous sayings.

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