Old australian slang sayings

1. "Fair dinkum" - meaning genuine or true

2. "G'day mate" - a common greeting meaning hello

3. "She'll be right" - everything will be okay

4. "Strewth" - an expression of surprise or disbelief

5. "No worries" - don't worry about it

6. "Aussie bloke" - an Australian man

7. "Chuck a sickie" - take a day off work pretending to be sick

8. "Ripper" - excellent or fantastic

9. "Dunny" - a toilet

10. "Bogan" - a derogatory term for someone considered unsophisticated or uncultured

Above is Old australian slang sayings.

Wiki sayings

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Friends quotes and sayings telugu

1. స్నేహం ఒక ఆదర్శం, ఒక ఆనందం, ఒక ప్రేమ. (Friendship is an ideal, a joy, a love.)2. స్నేహితుడు మిత్రుడు కనిపించినప్పుడు మనసులో ఆనందం ఉంటుంది. (When a friend appears, there is joy in the heart.)3. స్నేహం ఒక ప్రకారం ఒక ప్రాణం. (Friendship is a kind of soul.)4. స్నేహం ఒక అనుభవం, ఒక భావన. (Frien

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Church bulletin board sayings

1. Faith can move mountains.2. Let your light shine.3. God is our refuge and strength.4. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.5. Love one another as I have loved you.6. In God we trust.7. Be still and know that I am God.8. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.9. Walk by faith,