Old fijian sayings

Here are a few old Fijian sayings:

1. "E dua na kena i Viti, e dua na kena i loma." (One's appearance may be Fijian, but one's heart may not be.)

2. "Vaka na i yau, vaka na i yau." (Like attracts like.)

3. "Na ka levu sa rawa ni vakayacora e dua na ka lailai." (Great things can be achieved through small beginnings.)

4. "E dua na ka me vaka na i yau, e dua na ka me vaka na i yau." (One thing is like another, one thing is like another.)

5. "Na ka sa rawa ni vakayacora e dua na ka lailai." (What can be achieved through small beginnings.)

These sayings reflect the wisdom and values of the Fijian culture, emphasizing the importance of integrity, hard work, and the interconnectedness of people and nature.

Above is Old fijian sayings.

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