Old scottish love sayings

1. "Ye are the music in my heart, the light in my soul."

2. "My love for ye is like a thistle, prickly but enduring."

3. "Ye are the bonnie lass that stole my heart away."

4. "In your eyes, I see the reflection of a thousand stars."

5. "Ye are the melody that plays in my dreams, the sweetest sound I've ever known."

6. "My love for ye is as deep as the lochs and as strong as the mountains."

7. "Ye are the thorn in my side and the rose in my garden, a contradiction I cannot resist."

8. "With every beat of my heart, I whisper your name."

9. "Ye are the sunshine on a rainy day, the warmth that fills my soul."

10. "In your arms, I find my home, my refuge from the storms of life."

Above is Old scottish love sayings.

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