Olympic sayings quotes

1. "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part." - Pierre de Coubertin

2. "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle." - Baron de Coubertin

3. "The Olympics are a wonderful metaphor for world cooperation, the kind of international competition that's wholesome and healthy, an interplay between countries that represents the best in all of us." - John Williams

4. "The Olympics remain the most compelling search for excellence that exists in sport, and maybe in life itself." - Dawn Fraser

5. "The most important thing about the Olympics is not to win, but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle." - Pierre de Coubertin

6. "The Olympic Games are a time when the world comes together to celebrate the best of humanity." - Unknown

7. "The Olympics are a showcase of the human spirit, where athletes push themselves to their limits and inspire us all to reach for our own greatness." - Unknown

8. "The Olympic Games are a testament to the power of determination, hard work, and the human spirit." - Unknown

9. "The Olympics are a reminder that no matter where we come from, we are all capable of achieving greatness." - Unknown

10. "The Olympic Games are a celebration of the human potential for greatness, unity, and peace." - Unknown

Above is Olympic sayings quotes.

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