On like donkey kong similar sayings

1. "Game on like Pong"

2. "On like Ping Pong"

3. "On like Kong"

4. "On like Mario Kart"

5. "On like Tetris"

6. "On like Space Invaders"

7. "On like Pac-Man"

8. "On like Sonic the Hedgehog"

9. "On like Street Fighter"

10. "On like Mortal Kombat"

Above is On like donkey kong similar sayings.

Sayings like risk it for the biscuit

Go big or go home.Fortune favors the bold.No guts, no glory.Nothing ventured, nothing gained.Take a leap of faith.High risk, high reward.Life's too short to play it safe.

20 year wedding anniversary sayings

1. Two decades of love, laughter, and memories. Happy 20th anniversary!2. Celebrating 20 years of marriage and a lifetime of love.3. Cheers to 20 years of togetherness and many more to come.4. 20 years down, forever to go. Happy anniversary!5. A love that has stood the test of time. Happy 2

Christmas real estate sayings

1. May your home be filled with love, joy, and laughter this Christmas season.2. There's no place like home for the holidays.3. Wishing you a Christmas season filled with warmth and comfort in your new home.4. Home is where the heart is, especially during the holidays.5. May your Christmas

70s sayings and phrases

1. Far out, man!2. Groovy!3. Right on!4. Keep on truckin'.5. Peace, love, and happiness.6. Don't harsh my mellow.7. Can you dig it?8. Let your freak flag fly.9. That's the name of the game.10. Don't be a square.

Dealing with apathetic people sayings

1. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke2. The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein3. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, b

Hawaiian pidgin sayings

1. Da kine - a versatile phrase that can mean the thing, the stuff, or the one.2. Bumbai you learn - a phrase meaning you'll learn eventually or you'll figure it out later.3. No can - a way of saying can't or unable to do something.4. Talk story - to have a casual conversation

Head up your arse sayings

Here are a few variations of the saying head up your arse:1. You've got your head so far up your arse, you can see what you had for breakfast.2. He's got his head so far up his arse, he can use his own belly button as a periscope.3. She's got her head so far up her arse, she's practically wea

Northampton sayings

1. Northampton born and bred, strong in the arm and thick in the head.2. Northamptonshire born, Northamptonshire bred, strong in the arm and thick in the head.3. Northampton, where the shoe industry once ruled.4. Northampton, where the Saints march on.5. Northampton, where the Nene flows an

Cute ex husband sayings

1. He may be my ex-husband, but he'll always have a special place in my heart.2. We may have gone our separate ways, but I'll always cherish the memories we shared.3. Even though we're no longer married, I'll always be grateful for the time we spent together.4. He may be my ex, but he'll alwa

Sayings about money and a fool

1. A fool and his money are soon parted.2. Money often reveals the true nature of a fool.3. A fool's gold is quickly spent.4. Fools make money, and wise men keep it.5. Money in the hands of a fool is like water in a leaky bucket.6. A fool and his money are easily separated.7. Money can'